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The Mississippi Blues Trail

The Mississippi Blues Trail Should Be On Your Blues Bucket List

I took the trail back in 2016 and it was one of the best experiences of my life!

What is it?

It’s a series of locations in Mississippi where the blues had a special historical milestone or where a blues founder was located. This included radio stations, clubs, and street corners where the blues was played. Each location has a marker that explains the significance of that location.

The Blues Trail is your unforgettable journey into the land that spawned the single most important root source of modern popular music. Whether you’re a die-hard blues fan or a casual traveler in search of an interesting trip, you’ll find facts you didn’t know, places you’ve never seen, and you’ll gain a new appreciation for the area that gave birth to the blues.

Included on the journey are:

  • B.B. King’s Birthplace
  • The Crossroads where Robert Johnson made his deal with the devil
  • Dochery Farms where the Blues Was Born
  • Recording studio locations where many great blues songs got their start
  • And hundreds of locations where the greats of the blues did their thing


Here’s The Story

Here’s some pictures from my trip.

We began in Jackson, Mississippi and moved north from there with visits to Indianola (BB Kings home), Helena, Arkansas, and Clarksdale. We ended up in Memphis at the Blues Music Awards.

Here’s a Spotify playlist with many of the blues songs from the blues founders.

» Check out the Mississippi Blues Trail website here.